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Telemedicine Options for International Health  Telemedicine brings phenomenal experts at Keck Medicine of USC to you, regardless of the distance,…


Hotels in the area Click here to view a list of local area hotels with whom Keck Medicine of USC…

Remote Second Opinion

Why do I need a Remote Second Opinion? When you are considering coming to the U.S. for your treatment, it’s…

Our Providers

USC International Health Clinical Leadership At Keck Medicine of USC, over 600 physicians treat patients across our wide variety of…

5 Signs Your Headache Is Not Normal

See your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these troubling symptoms. We all get headaches from…

What’s the Difference Between a Cold, Bronchitis and Pneumonia?

Sniffling. Coughing. Maybe a fever. Whatever it is, you feel miserable. But is it just a cold — or something…

Meet John M. Ringman, MD

Dr. Ringman is a neurologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in cognitive and behavioral problems due to neurological…

Is Your Mole Cancerous?

Sometimes a mole is a mole. Other times, it’s cancerous. How can you tell the difference? Moles are common, even…

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Men

Low testosterone and sexual health issues are just some of the side effects that men with diabetes may experience. It’s…

Is It Hemorrhoids or Colon Cancer?

Although hemorrhoids and colon cancer are two very different conditions, they can share similar symptoms. This guide will help you…

I Have a New Mole. What Should I Do Next?

If you suddenly develop a new mole, is it cause for concern? Read on to find out. Nearly every person…

What Blood in Your Urine Could Mean

Finding blood in your urine can be a stressful experience. Here’s why it happens and what you should do. There…