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Farhood Saremi

After receiving his medical degree and completing a radiology residency in 1988 from the University of Tehran, Dr. Saremi was…

Katherine Gibson

Dr. Gibson believes a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise is important for all patients for good health. She encourages patients…

Peter G. Phung

Dr. Peter Phung is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC, and the…

Greg R. Angstreich

Greg R. Angstreich, MD, found his love for science at an early age, whether it was studying biology, physics, astronomy…

Caroline Piatek

Dr. Caroline Piatek is an Associate Professor in the Jane Anne Nohl Division of Hematology at the Keck School of…

Ben Albert Lin

Paul-Henri Cesar

After completing an internal medicine internship and neurology residency at Boston University Medical Center in 2005, Dr. Cesar did his…

Sarmad Sadeghi

Hossein Ameri

Hossein Ameri, MD, PhD, FRCSI, MRCOphth, graduated from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, then served as a physician and director…

Heeseop Shin

Arshia Ghaffari

In 2008, after several years of practicing in the Division of Geriatric, Hospital and General Internal Medicine at LAC+USC Medical…

Nicole A. Greene