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John R Hubanks

John R. Hubanks, MD, FACS, specializes in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. He serves as adjunct clinical professor (voluntary)…

Mark S. Shiroishi

Kara Lynn Barton

Michael David Menchine

Mark Andrew Liker

Thomas Gail Auyong

Stephanie K. Zia

Stephanie K. Zia, MD, MACM, FAAP, FACP, FHM, has a dual specialty in internal medicine and pediatrics and dedicates herself…

Arielle Chudnofsky Paul

Tamara Mishelle Lusinyan

Kent Nguyen

Dr. Nguyen's training has included treating patients with low vision at the Center for the Partially Sighted, pediatric patients in…

Patrick Baumgart

Kimiko A. Yamada