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Kimberly Jean Sinclair

Kimberly Brungardt Tilley

Lily Dara

Dr. Dara is an NIH funded physician-scientist specialized in the care of patients with gastrointestinal and liver disorders. She is…

Yogi S. Matharu

Laura B. Taylor

Laura Taylor, MD (she/her), is a board-certified family practice physician at Keck Medicine of USC. Dr. Taylor is the medical…

Gene Tekmyster

 Gene Tekmyster, DO, believes that the goal of treatment should be optimization and return of pre-injury function.  Dr. Tekmyster is double board certified in…

Shivani Reddy Kandukuri

Amir Goldkorn

Amir Goldkorn, MD, is the Associate Director of Translational Sciences at USC Norris. He is a Professor of Medicine and…

Laila Ann Al-Marayati

Shohei Ikoma

Vinay A. Duddalwar

Dr. Vinay Duddalwar graduated from the University of Nagpur in India. After being at the University of Pune, India, he…

Jay R. Lieberman

Dr. Lieberman is professor and chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Keck School of Medicine of USC…