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Jesse Anne Soodalter

Terrence Kowk Cay Pong

Sonia Bharel

Farhad Khorashadi

Sameer Arunkumar Patel

William M. Lee

Prior to joining Keck's faculty in 2009, Dr. Lee completed his subspecialty fellowship training at USC and maintains American Board…

Sanjeet G. Patel, PhD

Dr. Patel is a board certified adult cardiac surgeon. He received his MD from Baylor College of Medicine and served…

Kristin Lindsay Horwood

Steven L. Giannotta

 Steven Giannotta, MD, is a neurosurgeon who specializes in cerebrovascular disorders affecting the blood vessels and blood flow to the…

Edy Soffer

Motor abnormalities of the gut, primarily the esophagus, stomach and small bowel Research interest: electrical stimulation of the GI tract

Caroline T. Nguyen

Caroline T. Nguyen, MD is a board-certified endocrinologist and an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine (Clinician Educator) in the Department…