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Carolyn Wang Kim

The Healing Power of Arts for our Cancer Patients

How the Institute for Arts in Medicine reduces stress and depression and encourages self-expression. After Heaven Wright was diagnosed with…

David Roy Moon

Surgeons Model Next-Generation Aortic Dissection Care

USC Cardiac and Vascular Institute surgeons discuss how they saved an aortic dissection patient using smart collaboration and a trial…

Study Explores the Future of At-Home Cancer Treatment

A first-of-its-kind clinical trial from Keck Medicine of USC will investigate if immunotherapy administered at home can achieve the same…

Zahra Osman Egal

Ivette Armida Funes

Rizza Marie C Tawatao

Cassandre F Oscar

Pierre Bahij Halteh

7 Lessons from a Career in Neuro-oncology

Seven things I wish I had known when starting my neuro-oncology journey. Many of us go into medicine because it’s…

James Edward Port