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Monica Kelley Neuman

How to Check for Testicular Cancer

What does testicular cancer feel like, and how do you know if you have testicular cancer? Testicular cancer is uncommon,…

A Doctor Weighs in on Testosterone Replacement Therapy

While various treatments for andropause (the male equivalent of menopause) are gaining popularity, testosterone replacement therapy is the only option…

Jordan M Rock

As an audiologist at Keck Medicine of USC, Jordan Rock, AuD, specializes in diagnosing and treating patients for various hearing…

Shruthi Vijayalakshmi

Maria A Juliani

The Surgery Giving Testicular Cancer Patients with Fertility Problems New Hope

A Keck Medicine of USC urologist used the onco-microTESE procedure to retrieve sperm from a testicular cancer patient with one…

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Care

What Is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a condition in which a part of the heart muscle thickens. This thickening:…

Stages of Prostate Cancer

There are four different stages of prostate cancer, each with its own types of symptoms and recommended treatments. If you…

Lung Cancer Diagnosis Jolts Health Enthusiast

As an athlete, a nonsmoker and a health devotee, Linda Kneidinger was shocked to be diagnosed with lung cancer. At…

Brand Central

Keck Medicine of USC’s brand identity both connects us to and distinguishes us from the university.  Applying our logos, colors,…