
Common Questions About the Common Cold

The average adult can have two to three colds per year, but is there anything you can do to make…

Common Ice Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Learn how to protect yourself and your children from injury while enjoying these winter sports. Ice skating can be fun…

Is It the Stomach Flu or Food Poisoning?

Is your stomach pain from food poisoning or the stomach flu? It can be hard to tell, since both conditions…

What You Need to Know About Nosebleeds

If you’ve been tilting your head back to stop a nosebleed, you’ve been doing it wrong. Read on to learn…

Can You Prevent Strep Throat?

Winter is coming — and so is the painful infection known as strep throat. Here are some recommendations to keep…

How to Prevent Ear Infections When It’s Cold

It’s not just kids who get ear infections — adults can have them, too. Here’s how to reduce your risk.…