
Do You Need to See an Endocrinologist Before Starting a Weight Loss Drug?

Losing weight can be difficult. Seeing a specialist can help determine if weight loss drugs are right for you. It…

5 Common Health Problems You Can Prevent

Take control of your health, with these tips on preventing common injuries and conditions. Many diseases strike without warning. Their…

Your Body at 40, 50, 60 and 70

As we progress through adulthood, our bodies continue to change. This four-part series will show you what to look out…

5 Ways Your Commute Affects Your Health

Your morning drive might not be healthful, but you can take steps to counteract its effects. Even if you wake…

5 Types of DIY Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Here’s how to stay safe when doing your own renovations and repair projects. You’re excited to get to work on…

Your Body at 70

Who says you have to ‘age out’ of good health? With modern medicine and healthy choices, you can stay fit…

5 Questions to Ask at Your next Physical

The right question can reveal a lot about your health. Your annual checkup is more important than you may think.…

Your Body at 50

Your 50s might bring some changes in your body — here’s how to handle what’s in store. We’ve all heard…

Sleep Apnea Surgery Brings Sweet Dreams

Jose Salas had been dealing with sleep apnea for 15 years. Instead of joining colleagues for lunch at work, he…

This Science-Backed Diet Could Help Overhaul Your Health

What the DASH diet lacks in social media buzz, it more than makes up for with a research-based eating plan.…

What Are the Signs of High Blood Pressure?

Here’s what you need to know about what to look for, along with expert tips on monitoring your blood pressure…

Why Do Lonely People Die Younger?

It’s a scientific fact that points to a definite mind-body connection. Loneliness has become a public health epidemic, according to…