
Is the FDA HeartMate 3 Recall a Setback for Cardiology?

Keck Medicine of USC cardiac experts shed insight on the HeartMate 3 LVAD. FDA’s Class I recall of the HeartMate…

Heart Attack Patient Receives Lifesaving Care

The emergency department at USC Arcadia Hospital is a vital resource for San Gabriel Valley residents. For Gary Hood, a…

What It Means When Your Heart Skips a Beat

Most heart palpitations are normal. Here are 5 reasons your heart might be skipping a beat. Your heart may pound…

LVAD Sustains Mother Awaiting New Heart

A mechanical device is keeping Zuleyma Santos alive as she awaits a transplant. She’s also spreading the word about heart…

10 Blood Pressure Myths and Facts You Need to Know

Does drinking alcohol raise blood pressure? What are the signs of high blood pressure? Find out the answers — and…

6 Possible Reasons Why You Have Swollen Feet, Ankles or Legs

Occasional swelling of your lower extremities can be caused by everything from salty food to standing too long. Here’s how…

What Causes an Enlarged Heart?

An enlarged heart isn’t a condition in itself — it’s a symptom caused by different cardiovascular issues. Having a big…

TAVR Procedure Offers Promise for Heart Patients

Specialists at Keck Medicine's USC Cardiac and Vascular Institute are revolutionizing treatment for aortic valve disease in a series of…

5 Questions to Ask at Your next Physical

The right question can reveal a lot about your health. Your annual checkup is more important than you may think.…

Your Body at 50

Your 50s might bring some changes in your body — here’s how to handle what’s in store. We’ve all heard…

Everything You Need to Know About Blood Pressure

What does it mean to have a high or low blood pressure? How does your blood pressure impact your overall…