
It’s Workplace Eye Wellness Month, What Serious Dangers are at Your Job?

Whether you’re a full-time employee or a freelancer working from the comfort of home, it’s important to be aware of…

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Kidney Stones

You’ve probably heard that passing a kidney stone can be very painful, but you might not know exactly what they…

How to be a Health Advocate for a Loved One

Two Keck Medicine of USC physicians share tips for how to successfully advocate for yourself at a medical appointment —…

What Causes an Enlarged Heart?

An enlarged heart isn’t a condition in itself — it’s a symptom caused by different cardiovascular issues. Having a big…

6 Possible Reasons Why You Have Swollen Feet, Ankles or Legs

Occasional swelling of your lower extremities can be caused by everything from salty food to standing too long. Here’s how…

3 Urological Screenings All Men Should Know

Experts at Keck Medicine of USC explain key issues that can affect men's urological health — and what to expect…

What Is a Normal Body Temperature?

It’s 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, right? Not necessarily, and here’s why that matters. If you’ve ever taken your temperature only to…

Pregnancy and Coronavirus: 5 Facts You Need To Know

If you’re pregnant and have concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on you and your baby, you’re not alone. One…

10 Blood Pressure Myths and Facts You Need to Know

Does drinking alcohol raise blood pressure? What are the signs of high blood pressure? Find out the answers — and…

Why Is Colorectal Cancer on the Rise for Younger People?

Doctors are working to uncover why colon cancer numbers are increasing in people under 50. Here’s what you need to…

Heart Attack Leads to Colon Cancer Diagnosis

José Aguiar was already experiencing serious symptoms in his heart, foot and endocrine system when doctors found a mass in…

7 Reasons You Might Have Diarrhea

From viruses to lactose intolerance, there are a number of causes that might be behind this unpleasant symptom. Most people…