
What Toll Is the Sun Taking on Your Eyes?

Our eyes play a powerful role in bringing the world around us into focus and giving us visual perception of…

What Unhealthy Habits Put You at Risk of Contact Lens Eye Infections?

More people around the world than ever use contact lenses, but while their advantages are well known to many, the…

The Ability to Blink: How Oculoplastics Saved a Burn Victim’s Eyelids

When Joe Cruz had a car accident in Northern California, burn marks left his face so devastated that he lost…

Is Arm Numbness and Tingling Ever Cause for Concern?

Numbness and tingling in your left arm or right arm isn’t always caused by poor body mechanics. Read on to…

When Is Surgery the Right Choice for Back Pain?

Back surgery is anything but simple. Consider these 4 points before you decide. Since surgery for back pain involves the…

3 Reasons You Might Have Rib Cage Pain

Learn the symptoms of each condition and what treatment to expect. Pain in your chest can be scary — you…

Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Glaucoma Awareness Month

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month and the ophthalmologists at the USC Roski Eye Institute understand that the more people know…

6 Sneaky Reasons You’re Gaining Weight

If your clothes are getting tight or the number on the scale is going up, one of these issues could…

It’s Workplace Eye Wellness Month, What Serious Dangers are at Your Job?

Whether you’re a full-time employee or a freelancer working from the comfort of home, it’s important to be aware of…

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Kidney Stones

You’ve probably heard that passing a kidney stone can be very painful, but you might not know exactly what they…

Hallmark Actor Back in Action After Kidney Cancer

With the help of Keck Medicine of USC and Inderbir S. Gill, MD, actor and television host Cameron Mathison refuses…

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing an OB/GYN

Looking for a new OB/GYN? Evelyn Nicole Mitchell, MD, of USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, shares key questions to ask before…