
Is It Dangerous To Hold in Your Urine?

There’s not a restroom in sight — and you have to go. Is it dangerous to hold it in for…

Is Your Skin Rash a Sign of Something More Serious?

Do you have a rash? Know the difference between common conditions and when it could signal a more serious health…

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Men

Low testosterone and sexual health issues are just some of the side effects that men with diabetes may experience. It’s…

Can You Prevent Strep Throat?

Winter is coming — and so is the painful infection known as strep throat. Here are some recommendations to keep…

When Should You Start Having Annual Prostate Exams?

Early cancer detection can save lives and cut treatment costs. But when should you start having prostate exams — and…

How Dangerous Is Having an Enlarged Prostate?

About half of men older than 50 have an enlarged prostate. Here are some of the basic facts you need…

What to Do When You Have Trouble Urinating

Urinating should be one of your body’s most natural functions, so you’re bound to be frustrated, when you can’t go.…

Don’t Be Afraid of the Prostate Exam

If you’re a man age 50 or older and haven’t had a prostate exam, you should talk to your doctor…

Nerve Pain: Is It Different From a Headache?

That nagging headache may not be a headache at all, but nerve pain caused by inflamed occipital nerves. You have…

How to Prevent Ear Infections When It’s Cold

It’s not just kids who get ear infections — adults can have them, too. Here’s how to reduce your risk.…

Your Body at 60

Forget images of early bird specials, grannies and rocking chairs. Today’s young-at-heart 60-year-olds are embracing an active and healthy lifestyle.…

What You Need to Know About Nosebleeds

If you’ve been tilting your head back to stop a nosebleed, you’ve been doing it wrong. Read on to learn…