
5 Very Real Dangers of Binge Eating

Occasionally overeating will leave you with a bellyache. But if you do it regularly, you risk more serious consequences. Who…

Don’t Be Afraid of the Prostate Exam

If you’re a man age 50 or older and haven’t had a prostate exam, you should talk to your doctor…

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Men

Low testosterone and sexual health issues are just some of the side effects that men with diabetes may experience. It’s…

Is It Hemorrhoids or Colon Cancer?

Although hemorrhoids and colon cancer are two very different conditions, they can share similar symptoms. This guide will help you…

Thyroid Problems: Fluctuating Weight, Hair Loss and More

A small, butterfly-shaped gland tucked right underneath your Adam’s apple can have a huge impact on your health. Your thyroid…

Do Candy, Cake and Other Sweets Cause Cancer?

You may already know that consuming too much sugar is not recommended and offers little in the way of nutritional…

7 Fruits That Can Help You Lose (or Maintain Your) Weight

Weighing your options: Are you making the best selections in the produce section? Healthy eating is all about variety. The…

Your Body at 70

Who says you have to ‘age out’ of good health? With modern medicine and healthy choices, you can stay fit…

Are Hiccups a Sign of Something Serious?

If your hiccups are chronic, they may be more than a temporary annoyance. Find out about the underlying medical conditions…

Can You Be Screened for Colon Cancer Without a Colonoscopy?

While a colonoscopy is the preferred method, less invasive options can help determine whether there is cause for concern. A…

7 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a notoriously deadly disease that is hard to catch early — here are some symptoms to look…

What’s New with Weight Loss Injections?

After the rise of weight loss injections like Wegovy and Zepbound, a Keck Medicine of USC doctor talks about what’s…