
5 Very Real Dangers of Binge Eating

Occasionally overeating will leave you with a bellyache. But if you do it regularly, you risk more serious consequences. Who…

A Racing Pulse: How Fast Is Too Fast?

If your heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s about to burst, you could have a serious condition…

How Much Sugar Is Okay to Eat?

When it comes to heart health (and overall health) butter used to be the bad guy. Now all eyes are…

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Men

Low testosterone and sexual health issues are just some of the side effects that men with diabetes may experience. It’s…

What Blood in Your Urine Could Mean

Finding blood in your urine can be a stressful experience. Here’s why it happens and what you should do. There…

Is Your Blood Pressure Accurate?

Learn small hacks to make sure you’re getting the right readings. Over time, your blood pressure readings can tell you a…

Position Yourself for Sound Sleep With Back Pain

Raymond Jonathan Hah, MD, and Christopher C. Ornelas, MD, orthopedic surgeons at Keck Medicine of USC, reveal the best sleep…

Everything You Need to Know About Blood Pressure

What does it mean to have a high or low blood pressure? How does your blood pressure impact your overall…

Can Prediabetes Go Away?

Being diagnosed with prediabetes doesn’t mean you will develop diabetes. Your doctor can help you come up with an effective…

7 Fruits That Can Help You Lose (or Maintain Your) Weight

Weighing your options: Are you making the best selections in the produce section? Healthy eating is all about variety. The…

9 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs for Breakfast

What came first the chicken or the egg? We may never know, but we do know there are many reasons…

5 Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease

Even though Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, there are many myths and misconceptions about the condition.…