
5 Very Real Dangers of Binge Eating

Occasionally overeating will leave you with a bellyache. But if you do it regularly, you risk more serious consequences. Who…

6 Signs That You Should See a Urologist

A urologist can help with bladder issues and pelvic pain in men and women, as well as sexual dysfunction and…

5 Signs Your Headache Is Not Normal

See your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these troubling symptoms. We all get headaches from…

How Much Sugar Is Okay to Eat?

When it comes to heart health (and overall health) butter used to be the bad guy. Now all eyes are…

6 Sneaky Reasons You’re Gaining Weight

If your clothes are getting tight or the number on the scale is going up, one of these issues could…

Don’t Be Afraid of the Prostate Exam

If you’re a man age 50 or older and haven’t had a prostate exam, you should talk to your doctor…

What to Do When You Have Trouble Urinating

Urinating should be one of your body’s most natural functions, so you’re bound to be frustrated, when you can’t go.…

How Dangerous Is Having an Enlarged Prostate?

About half of men older than 50 have an enlarged prostate. Here are some of the basic facts you need…

When Should You Start Having Annual Prostate Exams?

Early cancer detection can save lives and cut treatment costs. But when should you start having prostate exams — and…

What Happens to Your Body, When You Take a Puff of a Cigarette?

You may already be familiar with the dangers of smoking, but can one cigarette have an impact on your health?…

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Men

Low testosterone and sexual health issues are just some of the side effects that men with diabetes may experience. It’s…

Is It Hemorrhoids or Colon Cancer?

Although hemorrhoids and colon cancer are two very different conditions, they can share similar symptoms. This guide will help you…