
Young Cancer Patient Holds On to Optimism

Angela K. Thomas turned to her faith, her family and the experts at Keck Medicine of USC to move beyond…

Is There Relief for Sciatica?

Do you feel a sharp, knifelike pain radiating down your leg or an ache in your lower back? It may…

What Are the Signs You’re Too Sick to Go to Work or School?

Should you power it out and head to work or school or stay under the covers all day? Here are…

Heart Disease Is the Biggest Threat to Women's Health. Many Don’t Even Know

Less than half of American women know the biggest threat to their health is heart disease. Learn more about it…

Under Pressure: How Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Saved a Promising, Young Student’s Eyesight

In March 2019, Namita Sarraf’s life changed. She began suffering episodes of redness, pain, and light sensitivity in her left…

5 Ways a Lack of Sleep Can Become a Nightmare for Your Health

Not getting enough shut-eye can do more than make you cranky. You know what it’s like when you haven’t had…

What You Need to Know About Diverticulitis

Pain in your lower left abdomen is a hallmark of this surprisingly common condition. If you’re 40 or older, there’s…

What Are the 5 Most Common Eye Injuries for Athletes?

Every year, nearly 40,000 people suffer eye injuries when participating in sports or recreational activities, according to the American Academy…

The Ability to Blink: How Oculoplastics Saved a Burn Victim’s Eyelids

When Joe Cruz had a car accident in Northern California, burn marks left his face so devastated that he lost…

Is Arm Numbness and Tingling Ever Cause for Concern?

Numbness and tingling in your left arm or right arm isn’t always caused by poor body mechanics. Read on to…

When Is Surgery the Right Choice for Back Pain?

Back surgery is anything but simple. Consider these 4 points before you decide. Since surgery for back pain involves the…

What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

This gynecologic condition can cause symptoms from chronic pelvic pain to infertility — or none at all. If you spend…