
What Is Triple-Negative Breast Cancer?

A USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center expert explains the diagnosis and latest treatment for triple-negative breast cancer. Triple-negative breast cancer…

3D Mammogram Prompts Timely Intervention

The technology found a precancerous lesion in Christine Ysabal. After a surgery to remove it, she has become an advocate…

Breast Cancer Symptoms: What Should You Know?

Learn about the symptoms of breast cancer and what to look for to protect yourself against this disease. Breast cancer…

Breast Cancer Patient Seeks Early Intervention

By advocating for herself and working with an expert team at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, Jocelyn Aguilar has a new…

Past Issues

Breaking the Family Cycle of Breast Cancer to Offer New Hope  

How high-risk cancer screenings are helping our patients Shake Ovasapyan’s aunt died of breast cancer at age 47. Her mother passed…

Meet the Staff: Jenny Huynh, Mammography Technologist

Jenny Huynh envisioned a health care career as a child in Vietnam, where medical resources were often scarce. Today, as…

Black Men Face Greater Prostate Cancer Risk

New research from the Keck School of Medicine of USC has identified nine new genetic risks factors — seven of…

Meet Laura Taylor, MD

Dr. Taylor is the medical director of the USC Gender-Affirming Care Program at Keck Medicine of USC, offering expert, compassionate…

CEO Promotes Men's Urological Health

Joe Czyzyk, a survivor of both bladder and prostate cancer, warns men who ignore their urological health that they're "walking…

Is It Hemorrhoids or Colon Cancer?

Although hemorrhoids and colon cancer are two very different conditions, they can share similar symptoms. This guide will help you…