
Is My Chest Pain Heartburn, or Is It Something More Serious?

Chest pain can be scary, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re having a heart attack. Here’s what else it could…

What’s the Difference Between a Cold, Bronchitis and Pneumonia?

Sniffling. Coughing. Maybe a fever. Whatever it is, you feel miserable. But is it just a cold — or something…

Can You Prevent Strep Throat?

Winter is coming — and so is the painful infection known as strep throat. Here are some recommendations to keep…

Can Cotton Swabs Cause Permanent Ear Damage?

Reaching for a cotton swab whenever your ears feel stuffed or clogged may cause more harm than good. Like an…

How to Prevent Ear Infections When It’s Cold

It’s not just kids who get ear infections — adults can have them, too. Here’s how to reduce your risk.…

The Pros and Cons of Taking Zinc for a Cold

When you’re miserable and sniffling and sneezing, you may be ready to try anything — anything — to make it…

What Are the Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma?

John S. Oghalai, MD, chair of the USC Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Keck Medicine…

Are Fumes From Everyday Household Products Dangerous?

Their strong smell is the first clue that they may be affecting more than just your dirt and grime. When…

What Can Cause a Loss of Taste and Smell?

Several viruses and health conditions, including COVID-19, could be the reason for your loss of taste and smell. A bouquet…

Why Can't I Sleep?

Keck Medicine of USC experts discuss underlying medical conditions that may be causing your sleep trouble. Insomnia The most common…

A 10-Year Cold? No, Nasal Polyps Were to Blame

Elodia Estrada thought she would never smell again. That is, until Keck Medicine of USC’s Kevin Hur, MD, was able…

Laryngeal Cancer Patient Finds New Voice

Cora Jackson-Fossett's laryngeal cancer required a total laryngectomy, the removal of her entire voice box. In recovery, she found a…