News Media Interview Tips
As a Keck Medicine of USC employee, you represent the health system in your professional interactions with news media, professional organizations and other public-facing groups. Download these helpful tip sheets to help prepare for upcoming interviews so that you clearly deliver your messages looking and sounding your best.
Keck Medicine employees should contact media relations immediately upon receiving a media interview request — prior to confirming participation. Employees should also contact media relations if asked to provide a quote for a press release.
To access the tip sheets offered via the downloadable links above:
- Click on the link for the tip sheet you wish to access.
- You will then be prompted to sign-in to continue to the USC Google Drive.
- Enter your USC email account (i.e.),
- You will then be prompted to login with your USC NetID (username) and password on USC Shibboleth.
- Please note: Using your personal Gmail or other external email accounts will not allow you to access the system to download files. You must have a email account and use your USC NetID login to access the system.
- Download our tip sheet for accessing the University’s Google Drive here.
Downloadable links:
Visit the Brand Central Hub to access logos, presentation backgrounds, and more.