Meet Our Team

Meet Evelyn Mitchell, MD

Originally published January 21, 2021

Last updated April 29, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Dr. Mitchell is an obstetrician and gynecologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in labor and delivery, family planning, infertility and women’s health.

Here’s what you won’t find on her resume.

The library opened up a world of career possibilities.

“As a child, my favorite place to explore was the library. On the weekends, I would spend hours in the library, exploring every bookshelf. I fell in love with different careers on a weekly basis. I wanted to be an astronaut, engineer, biologist and teacher, but when I picked up an anatomy book, my decision was made: Medicine would be my future. After helping deliver a baby in high school, obstetrics and gynecology was solidified as the specialty for me.”

Quality time with her family is golden.

“I cherish exploring Los Angeles with my husband and daughter. When not on baby duty, my husband and I love date nights, cooking for each other, wine tasting and traveling.”

Visiting the Burj Khalifa is one of her top to-do items.

“Exploring Dubai and writing a book are on my bucket list. I would also like to deliver a baby en caul, which is the medical term for when a baby is delivered inside an intact amniotic sac.”

She’s an ace at the arcade.

“I typically set the records at basketball shooting games at arcades. What can I say? I just don’t miss.”

She doesn’t see fear as a deterrent.

“‘Always do what you are afraid to do’ is the best advice I have received.”

Helping her patients have a voice is key to her philosophy of care.

“I applied to medical school, because I wanted to serve. Growing up as a biracial little girl, I unfortunately experienced the health care disparities that exist among African American and Latinx patients with my own family members. I also witnessed the confusion my family members felt after going to see the doctor, especially my Spanish-speaking grandparents.

“Witnessing those disparities inspired me to become a physician. I wanted to be an expert of diseases and treatments so that I could help guide my family and ensure they received the best care. I wanted to use my privilege of being a physician to give a voice and platform to the unheard voices in the health care system — the menopausal woman who puts her own health to the side at times to care for her family or to the Black pregnant patient who doesn’t feel heard in the delivery room. I want to give my patients a voice so that they are heard and get the care they deserve.”

Connecting with her patients is deeply rewarding.

“Creating a genuine relationship with my patients is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work. Medical knowledge and surgical skills are extremely important; however, in my opinion, they are only 50% of what one needs to be an extraordinary physician. The other 50% includes being able to connect with your patient regardless of background. Practicing cultural competency and cultural humility are invaluable tools to providing excellent care, and I strive to model this every day with every patient.”

She believes an end to cervical cancer is possible.

“The Pap smear and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine are important advancements in my field. Cervical cancer could potentially be eliminated within the next century, with the continued HPV vaccination of girls and boys.”

Her research aims to help underserved communities.

“My research involves identifying, exploring and mitigating the disparities that exist among our African American and Latinx patients. Currently, my team and I are analyzing the severe maternal morbidity and mortality rate among mothers undergoing delivery.”

Keck Medicine offers many opportunities.

“I wanted a career that involved academics, research, teaching and private practice all in one. Working at Keck Medicine provides all those exciting opportunities and brings great satisfaction.”

Keck Medicine’s philosophy of care sets it apart.

“The OBGYN team at Keck Medicine provides individualized, respectful and compassionate care. Whether it’s guiding your teenager during her first period, providing care during a high-risk pregnancy or discussing options to assist during menopause, our physicians are here to help support and guide you to make the best decision that fits for you. We are extremely passionate about providing the utmost, culturally competent care for our patients and addressing the health care disparities that are prevalent among women. The time to place women’s health as a priority is now!”

View Dr. Mitchell’s full biography and schedule an appointment.
