Meet Our Team

Meet Umair Ghani, MD

Originally published April 14, 2022

Last updated April 30, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Umair Ghani, MD, a medical oncologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in treating a wide range of blood disorders and cancers

Dr. Ghani is a medical oncologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in treating a wide range of blood disorders and cancers.

Here’s what you won’t find on his resume.

His father has been a source of inspiration.

“My dad always wanted to become a doctor, but he couldn’t afford medical school. When I started this journey, he offered his full support. So, in part, my pursuit of a career in medicine was inspired by my dad, and becoming a doctor helped me make a dream come true for both of us.”

He briefly considered becoming a dentist.

“When I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to do something in the medical field, and I was exploring dentistry and medicine. Eventually, I realized that I wanted to pursue medicine, because it would give me the opportunity to help patients with all types of conditions.”

Exercise helps him maintain balance.

“I enjoy going to the gym. It’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and to take care of yourself. In my free time, I enjoy quality time at home and exercising.”

He believes in the power of helping others.

“Every day, I strive to do as much good and help as many people as I can.”

It didn’t take long for him to discover that oncology was his calling.

“I was a hospitalist prior to becoming an oncologist. As amazing of an opportunity as it was to practice medicine as a hospitalist, it was challenging not having continuity with my patients.

“My journey started with an opportunity to complete a fellowship in hematology/oncology at Keck Medicine. Three years of training went by in seconds, and I knew this specialty was the reason why I wanted to become a doctor.”

Listening to his patients is key to his philosophy of care.

“I want my patients to feel comfortable and calm when we meet. There may be difficult news or stressful situations, so I want to make sure they are as comfortable as possible so that they can understand and be engaged in their treatment plan. Listening is key to understanding what someone is going through and what kind of support they have or may need.”

He values spending time with his patients.

“I like to offer my patients plenty of time to ask any questions they may have and to help them understand their condition and treatment options so that we can make a mutual decision about their care.

“We’re a team, and we’ll work together to find what the best treatment is for them. Whether it’s their first visit or a follow-up appointment, every patient should feel like they are the only one being seen that day.”

A team dedicated to excellence is why he calls Keck Medicine home.

“I joined Keck Medicine as a fellow and decided to practice here because of the amazing team and their dedication to our patients. Our team in Newport Beach works in close collaboration, and we care deeply about our patients. We are committed to delivering the world-class, compassionate care that USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the Keck Medicine health system, is known for across the country and beyond.”

View Dr. Ghani’s full biography and schedule an appointment.
