Meet Our Team

Meet Henry Wang, MD

Originally published January 6, 2022

Last updated April 30, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Henry Wang, MD, an oncology and hematology specialist at Keck Medicine of USC

Dr. Wang is a medical oncologist at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in all types of cancer.

Here’s what you won’t find on his resume.

When he is not busy working, he enjoys outdoor adventures.

“When I’m at home, I like to tackle household chores and read history books. I also enjoy hiking and traveling to new places around the globe.”

He’d welcome a move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

“If I could trade careers with anyone in the world, it would be with the president of the United States. As president, you have the opportunity to help and make a positive impact on people’s lives all over the world.”

Learning about new cultures is one of his passions.

“I love to travel, because it gives me the opportunity to learn about the history and different cultures of the places I visit. Europe is my favorite destination of all.”

The pursuit of excellence is always a goal.

“‘Be your personal best’ is the best piece of advice I’ve ever been given, and I always strive to give my patients, colleagues and loved ones my very best.”

Helping his patients achieve better outcomes is very important.

“The most rewarding part of my job is helping my patients find the right treatment for their conditions, extending their longevity and preserving their quality of life, as much as possible.”

Patience and respect are hallmarks of his philosophy of care.

“I would describe my approach to care and bedside manner as caring, compassionate, respectful and patient.”

These advances in cancer care offer new hope.

“In recent years, the most impactful advancements in oncology are with immunotherapy and molecular targeted therapy.”

Keck Medicine provides the best resources for his patients’ needs.

“I chose to practice at Keck Medicine, because it’s an academic medical center with a full range of exceptional care options and resources. I fully leverage the multidisciplinary approach and expertise of our USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center team to help my patients get the care they need and achieve the best outcomes.”

View Dr. Wang’s full biography and schedule an appointment.
